The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Woven Wings – Labyrinth Tester

Woven Wings “Labyrinth” tester is made of
57% Egyptian Cotton
20% Linen
15% Merino
8% Fine Silk


I first “met” this wrap in April when I flew to London. There was a big sling meet and a lot of new wraps and testers were there to be stroked and wrapped. I had the Labyrinth in my hands but I didn’t try it and so I am really glad that it visited us now on this way and we could try it for a few days.

It is a new pattern and I think that’s the thing that didn’t let me be super excited when I first saw it. It’s some kind of restless. There are grey geometric lines and a lot of orange scratches all over the wrap. In my opinion it doesn’t really look like Woven Wings to me. It is just a feeling but without the orange part, just the grey lines, it would fit in the design range much better. Then it would remind me of Sarah’s tattoo which I like very much. The colours are a great choice, they are very similar to Squirrel Nutkin, this orange is just a little bit darker and warmer. It’s a soft, decent and beautiful combination.


The wrap is on the thinner side and feels and wraps similar to the merino triangles. I have Duncan here and when I have both in hands I can feel that Labyrinth is just a little bit more structured. The tester mama who had the wrap before me told me that it’s very prone to pulls and that she fixed them. I didn’t see any flaw so she did a great job and I didn’t notice any new pulls.

It arrived here completely broken in and was very very soft. The high linen content makes it very airy and supportive although I would chose a double layer carry for a toddler beause it could be a little bit diggy. We had some hot summer days here but this wrap didn’t let us sweat and the linen and silk are really nice. It was easy to wrap a Robin’s hip carry, which is my test carry for glide and structure. It is really good to handle, sometimes I need to wrap the baby while he’s sleeping at it was no problem to get the Labyrinth’s rails in place.

I would really like to see this wihtout the “scratches” beause the wrapping qualities absolutely convinced me.





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© 2025 The Dukes – Babywearingphotography

Thema von Anders Norén

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