The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Woven Wings Donalbain

Woven Wings Wool Triangles Tester
87% Egyptian Cotton 13% Merino

Wrapee: 2.5 years and around 11.5kg


Since the first Fairies were released in may 2014 I was in love. This design is so articstic and beautiful that it became one of my favourite wrap patterns ever. I like to look at it and see how the different colours seem to float and melt withing each others. In comparison with the hard contrast of the Geo pattern, the triangles are way more gentle and smooth.
I didn’t know how the tester would look like when it arrived and so I opened the package with a lot of curiosity. Out came this blue and green wool tester. At first I wasn’t sure about the colour, if I like it or not. It’s a mixture of moss and water. Not an icy cold blue and not a warm summer evening green. It’s really hard to describe and if I would have just seen these colours on a paper I wouldn’t have chosen them to be in one wrap. But thanks to the pattern the colours are combined in such a perfect way that it looks like a stormy sea on it’s way to calm down.

The wrap itself feels thicker than the allcotton Fairies and the wool makes it a lot more cushy and solid. It doesn’t feel like the other Woven Wings wool blends (Droplets, Geo, Stockinette) at all. It’s not that soft… it’s different. The weave is still pretty dense how we know it from this design but it felt more toddler worthy when I touched it first.
In the next days I tried it several times in different carries with our toddler and have to say: yes, this first impression was right. While I have to use a duble hammock with my Oberon, I can still wear our son in a simple ruck with this woolie triangles. It’s very supportive. Once I had to tie very quick and the wrapjob wasn’t really good. At the beginning it felt diggy at my shoulders and I had the feeling that this wrap isn’t forgiving any mistakes. But then I sorted some fabric and tied it a little better and it was okay then.

I would love to know how it feels when it is completely broken in (it came to me in loom state). I think they will became more floppy and soft and I think, this is would be a perfect wrap for a quick ruck in cold winter. I’m very curious in what colours this wrap will be released and I am super happy that Christina and Sarah decided to make more Fairies. I missed them so much!


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