The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Wauggl Bauggl Moringa Oleifera

38% GOTS kbA cotton, 35% merino and 27% combed cotton

January 2015
Wrappe: 22 monthe, 10kg

Wauggl Bauggl is a new machine woven wrap brand from Austria What I really like is the mulesing free merino wool, so no sheep got hurt while getting the wool. This is an important point for families who want to use the advantages of wool ( regulating the temperature, self cleaning, natural fibres,…) but don’t want to support those cruel process to gain wool.

The wrap itself is pretty thick and with 365g/m² on the heavier side. We had a size 6 and it was a lot of wrap fabric. It came with a lovely bag and a little bit lavender from “grandma’s garden”. I appreciate these personally and thoughtful packagings. The design is clear and geometric what I loved. The ‘Moringa oleifera’ is a useful tree that grows in semiarid, tropical or subtropical regions and is used e.g. as food, health care, for water purification or to avoid soil erosion. It is very important in the lifestyle of Aryuveda, known as a miracle tree.
The white of the wrap is really bright, not ecru as it is used for lots of other wraps. The contrast with the anthracite weft makes a beautiful combination. For me personally the trees are a little bit too small so that the pattern seems restless. I would like them a little bigger.
When I unpacked the wrap I asked again, if it is really wool. I couldn’t believe it. I like wool wraps but they’re often itchy and it’s a tingly feeling on the shoulders, especially on naked skin. I had these problems with Oscha wool or Artipoppe Alpaca. The only wool wraps I could wear were the Woven Wings as these are the softest wraps I ever had. But this Wauggl Bauggl is also not a typical wool wrap. It is so soft, dense and smooth. It’s a great feeling on your shoulders and you feel the need to use it as a blanket as well.
Over the next days I tried different carries: FWCC, simple ruck, different DH variations and a Robin’s Hip Carry. There wasn’t anything that didn’t work out well. I found it a little bit difficult to tighten as I’m not used to thick wraps but I think this will became better when the wrap will be broken in well. I needed some more power than usual but when I got it, it doesn’t move at all. It stayed in place very well. Second layers glided without a problem over the first one and the knot wasn’t as stubborn as I expected. Our son was weightless in this wrap, it was a pleasure for my shoulders. We went for a little hike and was easy for me to walk up the hill with the 10kg on my back.

I would recommend this wrap to every experienced wrapper with toddlers or heavy babys. It is just too thick for newborns in my opinion but I guess, that beginners aren’t the target group of Wauggl Bauggl so this is totally okay. If you like thick wraps that are supportive without being beasty you would have a lot of joy with this one.

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