The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Maisaa Tri Drop Teal

100% Combed Cotton

When this new brand made their first pre-order some months ago, I was curious and took part in it. I really liked the design of the digital mock up which was available in teal or purple. The prize was very tempting (79€ for a size 6) and I was totally looking forward to test it.
When it arrived I was a little bit disappointed by the colour because it is not a real teal, it is more a light blue. Still beautiful but I think other colours suit me better. I was also not sure about it’s feeling out of the box. Never the less I gave it a try and washed the wrap before testing. Maybe I have a magic washing machine but the transformation the wraps made during this first wash was amazing! It fluffed up and got soft and grippy. I was totally surprised when it was dry and I could wrap it for the first time. It is a medium thick wrap in 100% cotton, so actually nothing super special. But it wraps with no big effort and had a very nice mix of glide and grip. It is easy to tighten, doesn’t sag or move but has little bit of bounce and cush. There is nothing wrong that I can tell you, it is just a very very good wrap for an even better budget. I could imagine to wrap a tiny baby in it and I used it with our toddler in a two layer carry for more than in our and it was still comfortable. I think it would also make a great ring sling!



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© 2025 The Dukes – Babywearingphotography

Thema von Anders Norén

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