The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Linuschka Boutons Lutea

40% bio cotton
30% japanese silk
15% seacell
15% supima

size 6, approx. 332g/m²

I have to be honest: I actutally don’t need fancy blends. I really love good allcotton wraps or a little bit linen. Some wool is also very nice but I am not up to date to all these new materials that are coming on the market right now. Tencel, seaweed, kapok, repreve,… But I am happy to learn and to make new experiences and so I was really surprised when this wrap landed unexpected on my doorstep. I admired it already on instagram and loved the subtle colours.

SmartfiberAG says about seacell on their website: „It is produced through the natural lyocell process, which is an environmentally friendly production method. The lyocell process is virtually closed and integrated into the nature cycle process, and meets the expectations of an industry of the future.“ (Read more:

When I got it out of the box it felt very soft and flowing. I was afraid that this would change after washing. I was told to give it a gentle machine wash (30°C and spinning on 600) what I really like. I wash all my wraps in the machine and don’t like to handwash nearly 5m of heavy fabric. When it was dry, I was really impressed: it was even softer! Without tumble drying (obviously) and without ironing it already felt like a super cozy blanket and I wanted to start wrapping immediately. And let me tell you: I. Am. In. Love.

This wrap is perfection. It has a big amount of diagonal stretch and usually I don’t like that because it makes it more difficult for me to tighten but not with this one. Like the Lovaloom LeDenim I tested some weeks ago, it has one side that it structured with little confetti dots. The other side feels very smooth and cool. The colour is a cold and classic grey with a lot of colourful dots and nubs in it. The smooth side is a creamy white, almost beige and gives the wrap a decent but noticeable contrast.
It’s gliding nicely in place and stays there. It’s lighter than LeDenim what I like and it is also very toddlerworthy. A FWCC and a simple ruck were a nice wrapping experience, a Robin’s Hip Carry was a little bit difficult because of the structured side. It might work better with a ring. I carried our 6 months old baby and our 3 year old toddler in it and can say that these Boutons are great for all ages.

But let me warn you: if you own this wrap you might be sitting all day with it on your knees, stroking and cuddling it. It’s such a great feeling on your skin and I never thought that I would like this blend so much. The silk still has it’s typical smell so if someone is sensible to that you might give it a second or third wash and be a bit patient until it’s gone but at least this wrap doesn’t need any breaking in. It is soft, strong and a perfect mix of work horse und luxury accessoiry. In other words: a wrap that deserves to be permastash!

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