The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Buzzidil Penguin Love Terra Nova

Wrappees: 2 months, almost 5kg and 3 years, 11kg
Blend: 100% Cotton
Width: 64cm (perfect for us!)

Four weeks ago we got a fluffy mail package from Austria: Buzzidil sent us one of their new designs to test it for a while.
Normally I am not a big fan of animal motives on wrap. You know, I am more the geometric pattern kind of girl 😉 But in these classic monochrome colours Penguin Love is really cute. It shows a penguin family and both father and mother are looking down to their little penguin baby. That’s a typical behaviour of Emperor Penguins to protect their little ones from the cold arctic wind. With a little abstract imagination you can also see that the penguins form a heart. Bettina, the owner of Buzzidil made the very first drawing for this while she cuddled with her sleeping boys in bed after a visit in the zoo. She only had wax crayons and the backside of a hotel information, but it was the beginning of this design. Terra Nova is the name for this colour way that comes in a steel grey and black – very classy and very forgiving when it comes to toddlers.

When it arrived here it got a propper bath and steam iron treatment first. While being pretty flat at the beginning the structure fluffed up and you can really feel the penguins what gives the wrap a nice amount of grip. It definitely needs some breaking in beause it has a dense weaving. We used the wrap almost every day and recognized it changing. But even after two weeks it wasn’t as soft as I hoped. I know it from other allcotton wraps to become buttery soft but Penguin Love is still a little bit stiff. Maybe it needs another wash and ironing to show it’s complete potential. But it is still soft enough that I would totally recommend it for newborns and all stages of wrapping experiences.

Besides it’s missing softness it is really nice to wrap with. It’s tightening very well, is not slippery at all. Second passes need a little bit of practice because of it’s structure but if you have the wrap in place, it doesn’t move anymore. I also wrapped our toddler in it in a double hammock and it felt really supportive, just a little bit flat on the shoulders. So maybe not your perfect choice if you like a lot of cush. It isn’t a fancy special blend or weaving, it is just a good old cotton wrap that takes every challenge in our daily life. This is where babywearing started, a solid and easycare wrap that makes your life with kids easier. If it was mine I wouldn’t be afraid to take it with me to the playground or let my kid eat in it. You don’t have to worry about the wrap and can just enjoy your day with your little one close to your heart.

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Thema von Anders Norén

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