The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Mama Nuka – Undine

Mama Nuka Undine is made of 100% cotton


I really like to support local brands, so when I first saw Mama Nuka in my news feed on Facebook I contacted them and asked for testing. They sent me the blue wrap, called „Undine“ and I had some time to play with it.
Mama Nuka is a new brand from Berlin and their wraps are made of 100% organic cotton and they dye them with vegetables, roots and flowers – without any chemicals. This is a point that I really like and that made me curious. This blue tester for example is dyed with indigo blossoms and a little bit turmeric. This dying process causes some bleeding at the first wash, so you should – like always – wash it seperately.

First time in hand it feels extremely thin. Of course, if you look at the g/m² of it it can’t have a lot of cush. Nevermind I tried it out of the box (it was already washed) and wrapped our 4 months old son it. The heringbone weaving makes it really soft so that it feels nice in hand. It was easy to wrap with it but I had to wrap very excactly and neat. It doesn’t allow any mistakes or sloppy wrapjobs. If you get everything tight, it’s okay for a longer time with a small baby. But if you wrap too loose, it becomes a little diggy and isn’t as comfortable as I would wish. So I think it is okay for a baby, maybe up to 8kg or more in more layer carries.

I know that Mama Nuka takes those reviews serious and I am totally looking forward to watch how they will improve their wraps. It is already an absolutely great start and I will definitely follow this.



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© 2025 The Dukes – Babywearingphotography

Thema von Anders Norén

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