The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Agossie – Origin Pearl

Agossie Origin Pearl is made of 54% cotton (35% organic cotton + 18% Egyptian cotton), 31% mulberry silk, 13% seaweed and 3% cashmere.

I admit it: I am a fan of seaweed.

Phew, now it’s out. What a relieve. But honestly: after I tried a few wraps with seaweed now I really appreciate the wrapping qualities of this fabric. It is cool, flowing, very silkie and very nice to wrap with. When I opened the package and felt the wrap for the first time I did say “Oh, that feels like seaweed. And it smells like silk.” So I just missed the cashmere in my first impression. From this day I used the wrap everyday and for me it is really sad to let it go now so that the next tester can stroke it.




The design shows abstract leaves in different forms, some people also see cocoa beans in it. I like this simple pattern although it is not totally my favourite. I am very curious what other patterns we will see from AGOSSIE. It’s a new brand from The Nehterlands and there weren’t any releases yet. These tester wraps are travelling around at the moment to collect reviews and impressions from different babywearers. I think it is very interesting that a brand starts with such a fancy blend. We usually see new wrap companies starting with an allcotton, going over linen or merino and it often takes a while until they start experimenting with tri- or quadblends. Not AGOSSIE, they are directly jumping into this pool of fantastic luxury fibers and I like this courage.

But let’s talk about this tester again. The colours are beautiful. A soft cream white and a cool mid grey create a classic and elegant combination. It is a size 4 which is one of my favourites lengths because I can use it for many different carries. It arrived here completely broken in. In the last weeks I tried almost everything I know from a FWCC tied under bum over different ruck variations to hip carries like the Robin’s Hip Carry or a Hip Kangaroo Carry. And they all felt perfect. But the highlight was the Kangaroo Carry with our toddler. I don’t carry him in the front very often but as the summer lasts so long we often transferred the bed time of the boys outside. Everyone of us wrapped one child and then we went for a short walk in our neighbourhood. To have some exclusive cuddle time I mostly took the 3,5 years old toddler and wrapped him in my front. I don’t know why but I decided for a kangaroo carry to test this wrap. To see if it can hold a big child in a one layer carry. And it did. It did like nothing before. There was so much cush on my shoulders and he didn’t feel heavy at all so that I could carry him for a long time while he slept peacefully. This was the moment when this wrap totally impressed me.


Like I said before it has a very silky feeling and it is a pleasure to have it in hand. It has a nice amount of glide so that it is also easy in more layer carries when you have to get a second pass over the first one.The pattern gives the wrap a little bit of structure and grip so that it stays in place once you finished tightening. It is medium thick with a tendency to thick.

I don’t know if I would recommend this wrap for beginners but I don’t think that first time babywearers will start with such a blend. I think the target group for this are experienced papas and mamas who are curious about something new, something good with a tiny bit of luxury. That’s a description of yourself? Perfect, I can imagine that you won’t be dissapointed by this.



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© 2025 The Dukes – Babywearingphotography

Thema von Anders Norén

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