The Dukes - Babywearingphotography

Berlin based Photographers

Review – Buzzidil Versatile Fullbuckle

When our first son was around 10 months old I had a phase. It was difficult for me to use wraps so that we started the search for the ultimate carrier. We tested many brands, many different styles and nothing fit. I had big problems with full buckle carrier like Emei or Babyroo Huckepack because they seemed to not fit my body proportions. We finally settled with the Madame Jordan half buckle which is for us perfect in every way. But when Buzzidil offered me to test their carriers, I couldn’t say “No” because I wanted to try it again. I like challenges and don’t want to give up too quick. But unfortunately I can’t write here any news. I still can’t do full buckles. I watched videos and tried a lot but I can’t make it comfortable for me and the baby. It just doesn’t work. But that is okay because not everything is good for everyone. There isn’t THE perfect wrap or THE perfect carrier for every family. That’s why it is so important to test some things before buying and I want to recommend you to try different things in your babywearing time to find what is right for you.

Anyway I want to describe the full buckle for you because I think it is a very good and smart one. There are three different sizes so that you can find the right one for your child. There are also a lot of possibilities to adjust the panel and the straps to get a perfect position. You can regulate the height and width of the back panel and you can chose whether to attach the shoulder straps at the hip belt or at the back panel. Buzzidil recommends to choose the back panel when your baby is 6 months old to transfer some more weight off your shoulders but I personally would never do that because it always causes more tension on the child’s back. I know that many carriers are designed like this and maybe that’s another reason why I am usually not a fan of full buckle carriers because this indentation at the kid’s back really disturbs me. But I think this is a matter of personal taste.

The hip belt is formed ergonomic what I really like and always prefer to a straight belt. The fabric around it is the same like from the shoulder straps and very soft. But it attracts lint and hair. The hood is again very clever and has a lot of adjustments. I already wrote about it in my review about the Wrapidil Halfbuckle: “You can make it smaller in every way or roll it if you don’t need it. If you want to carry on your back and it might be possible that the child falls asleep you can attach the end of the hood already at the shoulder string before wrapping with a little button – without disturbing the awake child. When it sleeps you can easily get the hood up to hold the head, even with T-Rex arms 😉 I think this is a really nice invention and very helpul for daily wrapping.”

I can imagine that this a very nice and comfortable carrier if you have a matching torso for it. I like that there are so many possibilities to change it but I have to admit that this also overwhelmed me. But if you are searching for something quick without tails that could get into this cold december mud, maybe the Buzzidil full buckle is the right choice. It is definitely worth a try.


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Thema von Anders Norén

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